Phone: 01234 344431

'The Home of Friendly and Caring Dentistry'




Band 1

Course of Treatment

  • examination
  • diagnosis (e.g. x-rays)
  • advice on how to
    prevent future problems
  • a scale and polish
    if needed
  • application of fluoride varnish or fissure sealant


Band 2

Course of Treatment

  • Covers everything listed in Band 1
  • Plus any further treatment such as fillings
  • Root canal work or taking out one or more of your teeth if needed


Band 3

Course of Treatment

  • Covers everything listed in Bands 1 and 2
  • Plus crowns, dentures and bridges


The charge you pay depends on the treatment you need to keep your teeth and gums healthy. All charges apply to an overall course of treatment, and not the individual items within the course of treatment. You will only have to pay one charge for each course of treatment – even if you need to visit your dentist more than once to finish it. If you need more treatment within the same charge band (for example, an additional filling) within two months of completing a course of treatment, you do not have to pay anything extra.

You do not have to pay to have your dentures repaired, for having stitches out, or if your dentist has to stop blood loss. Neither do you have to pay if your dentist only needs to write out a prescription. (But if you pay for your prescriptions, you will pay the usual charge when you collect your medicine from your pharmacist). You may need to pay all, or some, of your treatment costs before you start a course of treatment. Always ask the practice for a receipt.Some people may be able to receive free dental treatments, such as patients under 18 years of age, expectant and nursing mothers, or people on particular benefits. Other people may be able to apply for help to cover the costs of NHS dental treatments, such as students. This information is not exhaustive so why not drop into Bedford Dental Practice or call us for more information.


If you need any further information or to ask a question please send us a message and we will be happy to get in touch with you.

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